Unit 4 Chapter 3: Rails App With PostgreSQL
In this chapter, you will create a Rails app that uses PostgreSQL as the database.
Topics Covered
- Creating a new Rails app that uses PostgreSQL for the database
- Viewing the Rails app in your web browser
- Viewing your Rails app's database with pgAdmin
Creating and Viewing the App
- From the same rvm-rails-general directory where you entered the rvm-rails-general Docker image, enter the command "sh reset.sh" to return to Docker.
- Enter the command "sh test-rails-pg.sh". This script creates a new Rails app. This app is just like the one in the previous chapter but uses PostgreSQL instead of SQLite.
- The process of creating the new app will take a few minutes. When it is finished, open your web browser, and go to the URL http://localhost:3010/pupils . You should now see a form called "Pupils".
Adding Pupils
- Click on "New Pupil". For the name, enter "Michael Hartl". For the form, enter "Rails Tutorial". Click on "Create Pupil". Click on "Back".
- Click on "New Pupil". For the name, enter "Jason Hsu". For the form, enter "Ruby on Racetracks". Click on "Create Pupil". Click on "Back".
- You should now see both of these pupils listed on the web page.
Using pgAdmin
- In your desktop Linux system, start pgAdmin.
- In the upper left corner of the pgAdmin window, click on the plug icon to add a server.
- Fill in the following server parameters:
- Name: test_rails_pg
- Host: localhost
- Port: 15442
- Username: user1
- Password: password1
- In the Object browser, go to Server Groups -> Servers -> test_rails_pg -> Databases -> database1 -> Schemas -> public -> Tables -> pupils.
- Right-click on pupils and select View Data -> View All Rows.
- You should now see entries for Michael Hartl and Jason Hsu.
- NOTE: The PostgreSQL server in Docker uses port 5432. If your port offset value were 0, the corresponding port number in your desktop Linux system would be 15432. Since your port offset value is 10, the corresponding port number is 15442. If you forget which port number to use, just look at the ports.txt file in the shared directory.
- Exit pgAdmin.
- In Docker, press Ctrl-C to stop the local server so that you can continue entering commands.
- Enter the command "exit".