Install Git (the standard version control system). For a Linux distro based on apt-get (Debian or Ubuntu), the command to enter in your terminal shell is:
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install -y git
If you're using a different Linux distro, install Git with its specific tools.
Installing Docker and Docker Compose (MX Linux or Other Debian Stable Setup)
To download the source code for installing Docker, enter the following commands:
mkdir rubyonracetracks
cd rubyonracetracks
git clone
Enter "cd docker-debian-install" to enter the repository you just downloaded.
If you just want to install Docker, enter the command "sh". Docker will be installed in a few minutes.
If you would like to install other development software as well and block advertisements (and news and political sites as well) in your web browser, enter the command "sh". This installs Docker plus other development software that you will need later, including KeePassX (for generating, encrypting, and storing passwords), Geany (code editor), SearchMonkey (search engine for local files), SQLite database browser (for viewing the SQLite database), and PG Admin (for viewing the PostgreSQL database).
Don't worry if the Docker installation process results in an error message when you enter any Docker command. This is normal at this point.
After the script or script is finished, reboot Linux. This is the final step of installing Docker.
Remove the Docker installation source code. Enter the following commands:
NOTE: At this point, many news and political sites are blocked. If you want to unblock them, you can comment out or delete their URLs from the /etc/hosts file. If you ran the commands in this chapter in a virtual system, your host system is unaffected.
Installing Docker (Other Linux or MacOS Setup)
Follow the procedure for your OS on the Install Docker Engine page to install Docker.
Follow the procedure for your OS on the Install Docker Compose page to install Docker Compose.
Go to the Install Host Tools repository to see what other software you should install.